INTERCEPT🢒Blog🢒Why Customers Still Prefer Live Customer Support

I Just Want to Talk to a Human - Why Your Customers Still Prefer People

It happens time and time again. A customer calls into a business and is forced to navigate through a web of interactive voice response (IVR) options in an attempt to reach a live agent. Despite a rise in chatbot and virtual agent technology, nearly 90% of customers still prefer to talk to live agents who pick up the phone. Customer service, including human interaction, is a major factor in a client’s buying decision.

Consider incorporating a live answering service to provide a better overall customer experience. Here’s what customers are saying...

Consumers are berated with the newest products and clever marketing everywhere. What they are seeking is quality service. Customers want convenient options that save them time, speak their language, and allow them to easily connect with a professional live agent when they need personalized service. Intercept of Florida provides telephone answering services with effective business solutions for your company. Contact us at (888) 704-8790 to discuss how our 24/7 customer service can enhance your business.

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