INTERCEPT🢒Blog🢒Power Outage Answering Services

Power Outage Answering Services

The only way to make certain that your business doesn’t miss important communications from customers in the event of a power outage is to have a seamless backup plan. That “must-have” contingency plan for many businesses is to work with a call answering services company whose operators are based in a separate location.

Call answering services work with businesses of all sizes and industries as their trusted backup to provide a full range of communication services in the event of a power outage. They partner with companies prior to power outage emergencies to create scripts and protocols for call answering service operators to follow the minute they are needed in order to provide essential customer service without interruption.

Businesses experiencing a power outage depend on call answering services to provide numerous services, including:

Intercept of Florida can work as your business’s back up plan for power outages and beyond

Intercept of Florida has been in the telephone answering business since 1969 and we have earned a reputation for quality, responsible, and consistent contact center solutions. Therefore, whether your business is suffering from a short-term (i.e., thunderstorm) or long-term (i.e., natural disaster) power outage, you’ll know you can rely on our well-trained operators to keep your business running. Our creed guarantees it - courteous, accurate, and prompt!

Contact Intercept of Florida to find out more about how we can help you optimize your customer service with our power outage assistance plans.

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