INTERCEPT🢒Blog🢒Inbound Leads Answering Service

Inbound Leads Answering Service

With teams of highly experienced, professionally trained live operators, Intercept of Florida can help you grow your business without the expense of hiring additional employees. We can support all of your inbound calls, including inbound leads coming in from different marketing channels. Also, we offer you workflows and lead nurturing systems that help to organize these leads into segments and maintain various points of contact throughout your customer experience lifecycle. These services are available to you, your customers, and potential customers 24/7/365.

Intercept operators work with companies in a variety of industries to provide support for sales and customer service through:

Through these services, Intercept can help your business increase sales

Your dedicated team of operators trained in your protocols for selling products and services is a seamless extension of your business. You never miss a selling opportunity when all of your calls are answered by an operator trained to turn inbound lead calls into sales.

Intercept can handle all of your e-commerce calls

Increase your conversion rate and decrease your abandoned cart rate when you have specifically trained sales associates interacting with your customers and prospects to convert all contacts to sales.

Intercept can provide exemplary customer service for your business

Never let your customers or prospects get stuck on hold when Intercept’s professionals promptly and dependably answer calls just as you and your staff would do. You’ll find that your customer satisfaction increases substantially when our operators are always available to answer questions, make sales, and schedule appointments for your business. This not only results in more sales but also leads to increased customer retention.

We can help you increase productivity by handling your help desk and technical support functions. When your help desk and technical support calls are taken by your Intercept of Florida team of dedicated professionals completely versed in handling these vital customer interactions, your staff is freed to work on growing your core business. Put the Intercept of Florida difference to work for your inbound calls and beyond – contact us today!


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